In the SOOP SVT ver.第一季 線上看...

【又名】In the SOOP SVT ver. / 인더숲 SEVENTEEN편
【主演】崔勝哲 S.coups / 尹凈漢 / 洪知秀 / 文俊輝 / 權順榮 / 全圓佑 ...
【類型】韓綜 / 真人秀
【豆評】9.6/10 from 2,012 users
【簡介】《In the SOOP SVT ver.第一季》In the SOOP SVT ver. or In the SOOP SEVENTEEN ver. is a reality show by SEVENTEEN. (“soop” means “forest” in Korean) So the show takes place in the forest. The concept is to spend time doing activities that are "somewhere between everyday life and relaxation."
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